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International Ratings: Where does Bangladesh stand?

According to ‘Doing Business’: Doing business ranks Bangladesh as the 107th country out of 183 countries. According to them, Bangladesh ranks way above India and Indonesia.

Goldman Sachs’s Next 11: It said that Bangladesh is one of the eleven uprising markets in 2005 and it shows that soon Bangladesh will be one of the largest economies in the world.

JP Morgan’s Frontier Five: Bangladesh was named as one of the five most promising economies in the world. Bangladesh was ranked fourth among the five countries. The other countries are Vietnam, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Kenya.

Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s sovereign credit ratings: Bangladesh received BB- and Ba3 according to Standard & Poor’s. Moody’s rated Bangladesh as in level with Vietnam.

ADB List of Asian Growth Drivers: The ADB list did not place Bangladesh as one of the eight countries of Asia which might cover the 95% of Asia’s growth within 2050.


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