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Link between social responsibility and entrepreneurship

According to analysts, good ideas may bring sufficient sponsors for entrepreneurs, so no worries for initiating a business as long as you have a good idea to build up on. These funds can be brought from the company’s corporate social responsibility funds.

Even small amount of fund from companies may help flourish the social business. Social business events like the one held in Savar at Gonoshasthya Kendra, can bring a lot of attention both in the local public’s eyes as well as intellectuals; like the one mentioned which brought in together 700 local people and 125 foreign participants, the issue of which was to clarify the concept of social business and it being a way to resolve complicated matters.

The discussion held there pulled out some outstanding facts about how CSR fund can benefit both the entrepreneurs as well as the company providing the CSR fund. They encouraged innovative ideas from the new generation, to work for the society and also to encourage others around them as well as the upcoming generations.

Legal doubts were pretty much cleared in the conference as well; it was clear how social business enterprises are very much legal and have the right for legal protection. One a business has earned enough money to sustain itself could turn into social business.

Likewise non government organizations if developed well could be a good source of divergent fund like banks. There would be no legal problems in these kinds of cases as well since it is completely legal for social businesses to run a commerce venture. There could be many questions about how or when to start for someone who has absolutely no experience; the answer to that is to simply look. There are plenty of opportunities. Not only ado banks and organizations provide funds, so does many universities for startups. One simply just has to look.


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