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Moving out of Bangladesh? Tips on how to pack books

If you are moving overseas from Bangladesh, than packing is inevitable. It is actually an essential part of the moving process; there is no way you can avoid it unless you want to move overseas in just one cloth! But there are ways you can ease up the packing process and have fun while doing it. Yes that it true - you can actually have fun and enjoy - it is all about perspective and setting up the priority.

For instance, in case of packing the books, the perspective is to pack it in the most effective way and the priority is to choose the ones that you really need in future. Here are few tips for you:

- Get a shipping box that is very strong. Tape them additionally before placing the books inside. And yes, make sure that the box is free from dampness.

- At first, determine what you want to keep and then go through the books. Choose the one that you really want to keep. You will be charged for the weight, so why pay for something that you will not need in future?

- You will notice that some books are pretty heavy, these can add up to a lot of money. Try to leave this type behind and choose the lighter ones. While choosing the books, glance through the summary or the author's page, it will bring back good memories and make the process fun.

- Once you decide which ones you want to take, put it in the box and mark it so that you do not mix up later on. The best would be to pack your books by placing them standing upright.

- Place the hardcover editions standing upright and spine against the box's side to make maximum use of the space. However, do not make this too tight. Tight atmosphere might damage the books when you unpack. If you feel that the hardcover of any books has moderate value, you should wrap those separately with kraft brown paper.

- Use bubble wrap and foam chips in case you have old photo albums or books with great value.

- Put the books with paperback editions flat and stacked in the box. Place these in the box with the paper edges facing up.

- Once all the books are packed in the box, fill remaining spaces with bubble wrap or wadded-up paper. Label the box as "books"; oh well, what else you can label it with!

- If you think that the moving will take considerable amount of time, use acid-free paper on the books. That way the books will not turn yellow over time.

- Once boxing and labeling is done, put it in a dry and cool place.

Hope these tips help. Happy moving. Do not forget to miss Bangladesh!


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