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Things to carry during times of disaster in Bangladesh

Living in Bangladesh, facing a disaster in inevitable. Bad luck and calamities in Bangladesh can seldom be avoided. Being the cause of uncountable damages, disasters have always gained attention universally. No matter where, disasters cannot be avoided completely. Specifically, if the region is disaster prone like Bangladesh, it becomes hardly possible. However, with adequate equipments and preparations, the damage can be avoided to an optimum extent. Here is an assortment of things that can help reduce the affects of calamities and disasters to a handsome extent.

Being the basic blocks of life, food and water are the first things on the list. So, the most significant need to be considered during disasters is carrying convenient supply of rations and water. Other than that, first aid kit, temporary shelter and means of communication also are a part and parcel of the list.

1. Potable water supply:
Prioritizing on the basis of essential, water comes ahead of food. Unopened bottled water is the safest and most reliable emergency water supply. Use of water containers, such as those found at surplus or camping supply stores, is recommended if the water is stored at home. But for that it is to be remembered that, before filling with safe water, the containers should be cleaned and sanitized .On the other hand, containers that cannot be sealed tightly, that can break, that have been used for noxious solid or liquid chemicals, jugs, and containers used for fruit juices should never be used. In a nutshell, in times of necessity and distress, clean potable water stored in a clean and portable container.

2. Proper food supply:
Next in the list is the emergency food supply. Interestingly, though people in Bangladesh cannot live more than three weeks without food yet, all food cannot be carried during disasters. As a result the food selection must be done wisely. It is to be kept in mind that only the foods that have a long storage life require little or no cooking, water, or refrigeration and are not very salty or spicy, as these foods increase the need for drinking water should be picked for the supply. In addition, for some, needs of babies or other family members who are on special diets and the pet’s needs must not be overlooked. Furthermore, the food container should be appropriate as well.

3. Emergency medical aid:
Getting bruises, scratches or other forms of injuries in calamities is not uncommon in Bangladesh. But these minor injuries can become benign or malignant if not attended to immediately. Accordingly, primary first aid must be carried along the way. Moreover, painkillers and prescribed medicines like insulin is a must when it comes to medical kit.

Here is an interesting article on Four things people need in a disaster.

4. Means of communication:
Last but not the least is the most modern thing to be enlisted and carried during disasters in Bangladesh. Now being used all over Bangladesh, mobile phones is the easiest way to reach for help and is a thing that must be carried during any disaster. Not only is it a means of communication, but also a link that can keep the people connected. Disasters demand a call for help and mobiles are enough to make the call.

For tips to cope with huge traffic, many Dhaka residents are now cycling, read this article: managing Dhaka traffic.

Other than these, a temporary shelter, means of transport etc are secondary in terms of importance in Bangladesh.With these things by the side, hazards can be prevented from becoming a disaster.


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Picture credit: Tanzeena Meher & Syed Fazlul Karim Mujahid