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World Bank, Global Partners Team up to Improve Bangladesh’s Health Sector

World Bank and all the other development partners of Bangladesh have joined forces to improve the healthcare system of the country. The Australian, Swedish, British and American government representatives had a meeting in Dhaka where they witnessed a Multi Donor Trust Fun Grant Agreement for the Bangladesh Health Sector Development Program. It will cost approximately USD 7 billion. 75% will be paid by the government and the rest will be paid by the partners.


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Shaik Hasina, Salauddin Kader, Nizami and Tofayal

Shaik Hasina, Salauddin Kader, Nizami and Tofayal in the picture. Probably it was taken during a parliament session in the 1980s. 

শীর্ষস্থানীয় পাঁচ কোম্পানি

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History of Bangladesh's banking sector

The formally known ‘State Bank of Pakistan’ was renamed as ‘Bangladesh Bank’ right after Bangladesh’s independence. The Bangladesh Bank automatically became official foreign exchange reserve institute. It was too accountable for currency control, monitoring exchange and credit control. In the early 1970s, the government decided to permit foreign banks to continue their business and nationalize the local banks. In that very decade of 1970s, the primary concern of the government was to develop the country’s agricultural industry . This resulted in the Krishi Bank extending loans to more farmers. In the later decades, however, the county’s focus shifted to industrialization; resulting in various difficulties in the economic growth process. Lack of proper private activity guidelines and proper methods on loan giving were more significant of these problems. It was not until the late 1980s that these difficulties were being overcome and compensated for the agro sector. However the fin