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Globalization and the New World of Business

The idea that the world has gotten smaller certainly seems to be proven out every place we look.  No longer is the Internet and its various byproducts solely the realm of teenagers and older gamers.  It has impacted the entire world. The interconnections between people all over the planet are changing and growing stronger each day. Naturally, there are groups of people who focus on the threat that such globalization may pose to their way of life.  However, the benefits of globalization are overwhelming.  The basic rules of commerce have changed as cash, communication, and goods travel across the world at the blink of an eye.

The business marketplace of today is full of fresh ideas and possibilities.  The forces of liberal trading, globalization, and information technology have combined to open previously-locked international borders.  In this new world, individual countries melt into a virtual union of nations.  It is crucial to business success that companies recognize this new world view and target their marketing accordingly.  With the emergence of globalization, human diversity of cultures, traditions, and economies are being merged into a mass online population.  This merging marks a new era of business.

It is quite understandable that the general term “globalization” would sometimes be applied solely as a term referring to economics given its focus upon corporate economies and developing the international economic climate. Trade as enterprise, capital movement, worker migration, investments and goods is widening technologies like never before. Globalization can be illustrated as the interplay of politics, economies, and numerous biological factors.  The process of homogenization of cultures is not something that is easy or universally welcome.  That being said, the genie of globalization is out of the bottle and is difficult if not impossible to put it back inside. 

One concept central to the new globalization is synergy. Synergy is the notion that the combination of elements yields greater energy than the elements alone.  Companies with similar orientation come together as a group to play off one another yielding sharper and fresher results.  This continuous process of globalization brings together humans by connecting cultures, traditions, and economies to form a new relationship between businesses and clients. There are those who decry the melting away of differences that make each culture unique.  However, preservation of culture is possible even amid globalization’s new world of international business.  The one thing that is certain is that globalization is a concept that is here to stay.


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